On this website I show you how to build your own Pizza Oven. No building skills needed, this site is aimed at amateurs with clear instructions, pictures and videos. If you can build a basic sand castle, then you can build one of these.
Not confident? How about building a Tandoor oven in the afternoon? Again no building skills needed.
Choose from one of the ovens below, all make great projects to do as a family!
Still not convinced you can make one of these ovens ?
Lots of people like you have viewed this website, and then gone on to build their ovens. They have also been kind enough to share their builds with you in the hope of inspiring you. Click on “Your Ovens” on the menu for a full list of these ovens, but below I have highlighted six random ovens with links to their builds.

Dave Chislett
Built with heatproof screed moulded like clay

Andrew Hunter
A popular design using a glazed outer pot

Daniel Chant
Clever design built around a clay pot

Sunil Patel
A Tall elegant Tandoor using stone insulation

Gopal Ladva
A variation of mine but with enhancements
Now you have built your oven, it is now time to start having fun with it in the garden. On this website I share all my experiences both good and bad, as well as details of my recipes. If you want to share your experiences I love to hear about them.
So Why SimpleNick?
Well apart from it being a catchy name, as you go through my site you will see I am all about doing things simply. I want to encourage and inspire you to take on some of these projects, as they are all within your ability.
We live in a world where we like to over complicate things, or as people often say “I just want it to work”. We also have a tendency to put up our own barriers as to why we can’t do something. Take the first thing I posted on this website, the pizza oven. Everyone who sees it, loves it, and says “I wish I could build one”. But when I say they can, they start putting up those barriers, “I can’t do that”, “I don’t have the time”, “I don’t have the skills”, “It will look rubbish”……..
Well I am sorry you can build a pizza oven, just following my simple instructions on this website. Look my brickwork is not as good as a professional, or the rendering symmetrical, but the finished article looks fantastic, and does the job. I saved myself loads of money, and I can proudly say I made that. But more importantly I have one, I just got on and did it. Don’t you deserve one?
Not convinced? OK let’s start with a simple project and build one of my Tandoors.